Wednesday, 16 April 2008

In Town

For the first few weeks in Cambodia, we stayed in the accommodation at the VSO Programme Office. Five star doesn't come close (no, really, it doesn't come close).

Let me show you to your room, sir. It's just in between the communal area and the meeting room and it contains every luxury...

Even a bed. Oh, allright then, only a bed.

Washing facilities were simple and shared and sometimes surprisingly necessary. One of the pleasures of Cambodia is walking around barefoot or in sandals much of the time. Our toes love the experience but the soles of our feet already seem to be permanently black.

Sarah discovers the drawback of being the first of the group to buy a washing up bowl.

Nonetheless, we did find time for a bit of relaxation...

Perry finds time for that all-essential Del Boy moment. Shortly after this, he resisted the temptation to fall sideways through an open hatchway. That happened later.

More soon - including our move to our own place and the tragic tale of the poor little kettle (murderer pictured above... but who?)

In the meantime, please don't forget the need to keep supporting VSO through our Justgiving page at

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