Monday 9 June 2008


Following on from the last posting, Cambodia also has its share of larger animals. Some are domesticated, some are wild, and some are... well, just wait for the last photo.

Starting off, here's a picture of the pig that came to school with us when we were doing our language training at Western University in Kampong Cham. It just walked in, ate everything out of the rubbish bins, and then walked off. Not quite a typical student - it didn't crash out on the sofa at any point. Still, it makes a change from dealing with students who are pigs to meeting a pig who's a student.

We've seen quite a few wild monkeys in a number of places but this one was a real character. We were taking in the stunning view from a Wat on top of a hill overlooking the Mekong when this gibbon just ran along the railing in front of us and swung himself up into the rafters.

He had a laze, a groom and then another laze (that's the life for me!), then swung off into a tree and started looking for fruit. Even then, he was only about ten feet away from us and continued to find us apparently quite as fascinating as we found him.

The next fellows were quite clearly domesticated and made up a rather splendid formation barking team as we walked past their home - a buddhist nunnery at the top of a small mountain. Like most Cambodian dogs, they weren't aggressive, just interested and noisy.

And now for afters. Some are cooked. Anyone fancy a deep fried spider? No? How about a crispy cockroach then?

More soon. In the meantime, please don't forget the need to keep supporting VSO through our Justgiving page at

1 comment:

Rob Lang said...

I was expecting Pezza to be in one of these photos.